I have used the older XBEE tools and in the past was able to use the tools to modify the AP field which was under the serial interface category of fields. In the latest version of XTCU, I can’t seem to find a setting for AP to change to API mode. Am I missing something here?
Which XBee modules are you working with? What firmware version is installed?
Hi, not the OP, but I am using XBP9B-XC, Firmware version 3014.
I’m having the same issue can you help?
No you are not missing anything. That is the XBee PRO XSC module and related firmware. API mode does not exits on that product. The reason for that is that this is what is called the Xstream compatible product which is designed to communicate with the now EOL’ed 9XStream product line. That product line never had API mode. Which explains why nor would its replacement.