I am working with SLEXP8021A Silabs LTE-M module which has digi and u-blox sara r4(?).
Now i am able to bring up this module with MCU using xbee ansi c library and able to perform communication properly.
Now as per my need to i have cellular library from AWS which has wrapper written for cellular u-blox sara r4, this needs plain AT commands to deal with so i had to switch from xbee ansi c library to this library.
Now in doing so i am able to communicate with this module and it responded with “OK\r” only with “+++” command, but when i use other commands i am getting error.
Other commands i tried "“ATE0” “AT&D0” “AT+IFC=2,2” “ATCMEE” “ATCEREG” and so on.
Currently 11415 firmware is flashed in this module.
I debug further and found that these commands are available in u-blox sara r4 data sheet but not available in digi module’s user guide
So my query is are these module same ?
Why i can’t get response of the above commands ?
Thanks & Regards,