I need some help with an Xbee GPIO project. I’m using the Grove Development boards and am trying to make a simple circuit: have one xbee read a digital input (button press) and have another xbee write a digital output (turn on an LED.) I’m confident in my breadboard circuit I just need some help under the hood of the xbees. Here’s my module information:
On my “Sender” the module with the button switch:
Model: Xbee ProS3B
ID: 2183
DH: set to the SH of the other module
DL: set the SH of the other module
NI: Sender
D0: Digital Input [3] - pin 20 is reading the switch circuit
IC: 1
AP: Transparent Mode [0]
CE: Standard Router [0]
On my “Receiver” the module with the LED:
Model: Xbee ProS38
ID: 2183
DH: set to the SH of the other module
DL: set to the SL of the other module
NI: Receiver
D0: Digital Out, Low [4] - I want the button press on the “Sender” to write this pin HIGH turning on the LED.
AP: API Mode without Escapes [1]
Is there something I am missing? There’s a lot of information out there about having a 3rd party (Arduino, JAVA, python, Rasberry Pi, etc.) manage the packets but I want to make a simple hardware circuit without any micro-controllers. This circuit is the basis for a wireless relay project I’m working on.
Any help, tips, or insight would be greatly appreciated!