Can SLIP be added to the Portserver TS 4 MEI's?


We have some portserver TS 4 MEI’s here that we are hopeing to use to adapt packet radio TNC’s (Modems) to our Wlan network.

The packet system uses SLIP but I notice the portserver’s don’t seem to support this?

Is there any chance of having it added some how?

Ken -

Only the PortServer II products currently support SLIP and not the PortServer TS products.

You will want to contact Digi Technical Support or your Sales Representative to pursue a Change Request for this feature.

OK Thanks.

Yes we are aware that the portserver II range support SLIP. I have emailed Digi suggesting inclusion of SLIP in the Portserver TS series. I doubt I’ll hear from them in a big hurry.

Unfortunatly the TS series are of more interest to us as their power requirements and size suit our requirements better (Remote site applications).

I really do hope to see SLIP added to the TS series in the near future. We have committed to a few units as a trial and other then the SLIP issue we are very impressed with what they offer.

Currently until SLIP is supported in the TS series we are forced to contine with the Lantronics range.

Your best bet would be to contact your Digi Sales Representative in order to get this request appropriately prioritized.