CLP weg CLW-02 / 20VR-D 3rd does not communicate with XTend-PKG radio what is happening? I used to communicate, it was working. Now he does not communicate anymore. The radios are communicating correctly. I got to a point where I do not know what to do. In simulated the PLC works without the 485. I am not sure to replace the PLC. By radio access the Digirail 4C slave, its operation. The system is a water supply RTU: catchment and reservoir 10 km (6.2137 miles). Anyway, thank you for the help.
What are the LEDs doing on the radios?
-When transmitting: green; When received: yellow. They are normal: between radios and loopbacak and sending message between radios.
Is this an RS232 or 485 connection?
-RS 232 when on PC under test
-RS 485 when on the WEG CLW-02 / 20VR-D 3rd and the RS 485 radios.
Have you tried running a range test to verify that bidirectional communications occur on radios?
How do I do that ?
My problem:
. It was working until the problem happened.
. In test, when it worked, I capture communication with a 3rd radio as a sniffer on the PC. I still capture without the CLW signal.
. Access the digirail slave 4C RS 485 via radio, with the program ‘digiconfig’ in the PC with the radio in RS 232.
. Do not access via radio the CLW RS 485 via RS 485 radio, your program and the PC with radio in RS 232.
I can not convict the CLW without a guarantee that it is in trouble.
How it worked:
. The slave Digirail signaled receiving and sending and the radios too;
With the ‘defect’:
. The radio with the CLW sends and the slave only receives.
. With the ‘defect’ the slave only receives and does not send his situation: on or off.
In test:
. In test the digirail slave receives and sends normally.