I have XBee serie 1 modules and some of them are 802.15.4 (802) and others have the Digimesh firmware (DM) installed. Both works fine: 802<->802 and DM<->DM. However, I’m unable to make 802 communicate with DM. Both are on same channel and PANID, both use API mode 1 because i’m sending only strings. I tried to make the DM broadcast a message to be received by the 802. I’m using Libelium Waspmote with appropriate lib to send and receive. Receive code directly read the serial data. I have a small sniffer program but nothing is captured by the 802. Just want to mention that the sniffer works well for 802<->802 and DM<->DM. So my question is: is there any reason for DM to not being able to communicate with 802?
Thanks in advance.