ConnectPort X2 support for embedded modules


I just want to be sure if my ZB mesh is compatible with ConnectPort X2.

I have ZB mesh built from XBP24BZ7PIT-004J.
I would like to add ConnectPort X2 (X2-Z11-EC-W)
as new coordinator and gateway to my local ethernet network.
The idea is to access ZB mesh data with my phone, tablet PC,…

Does ConnectPort X2 gateway support my ZB mesh.
I am in doubt because my embedded modules are marked as Zigbee Pro S2B -> S2B is like new/better mesh (I cannot find any notes that ConnectPort X2 is compatible with new/better Zigbee Mesh)


Yes the connect port Z2 does offer a Zigbee based version which will communicate with your XBee ZB modules.

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