Convert 9210 Linux to 9210 NetOS?

I need to convert 9210 module(DC-ME-Y413-LX) from Linux to NetOS. Is there a procedure known?
Could someone help me out?

does your module have JTAG? if it does, you can simply program netos images (rom.bin and image.bin) to flash

Thanks for the support.
But I bought a JTAG less module, Will I be able to convert from 9210 Linux to 9210 NetOS?

well LX-> Netos is possible but really not trivial. You have to byteswap netos rom dump and flash it as a U-boot.
/usr/local/DigiEL-X.X/bin/patch_bin -s -c rom.bin rom.bin.swapped 0 0 0
But you have to try it first on a module with JTAG so you can recover. There are good chances your are going to brick the module without JTAG while experimenting.

what does this mean or how do I access:

/usr/local/DigiEL-X.X/bin/patch_bin -s -c rom.bin rom.bin.swapped 0 0 0

the command is part of DIgi Embedded Linux setup.
Why would you want to convert the module?

We have a product that uses the NET OS 9210 and they are unavailable. However, the Linux 9210s are available.

The -C modules are available. People are actually buying them to convert to -S

I was able to find the patch_bin file you mentioned in /usr/local/DigiEL-5.7/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-uclibcgnueabi/bin/patch_bin. Unfortunately, when I run the command from the command prompt it states: stat (no such file or directory).

Sounds like it can’t find rom.bin . what happens if you run it without arguments?
Can you provide the log of the command and the output?