You are actually using S2 ZigBee-PRO, not 802.15.4 S1.
You should change the coordinator to also use the 2xA7 firmware, because 2070 is quite old.
You should read up in the Xbee ZigBee manual on sleeping. The end-devcie will need a sleeping setting - like SM=4, plus then you need to set the Sn/SP of all 3 correctly. The Sn/SP of the end-device defines when it wakes and when it sleeps, plus the Sn/Sp of the coordinator/router define how long they ‘support’ the sleeping node before discarding the association. By default, the coordinator/router will discard the end-device in about 1 second, which means all data you try to send to/from the end-devcie will fail.
I had to do a computer replacement just a couple of days ago and re-installed X-CTU etc. It didn’t recognize the 21A7 firmware I’d been using. Even after “Download new versions” X-CTU still insists that 21A0 is now the latest version.