core dumps on pcu

SCO 5.0.6, MPI V4.20
3 C/Em cards (pci) on this server. Of 9 pods, 4 work in pcu, the others core dump and exit.
On close examination of the CX##[AB].conf files, the norm is Term,0 or Prn,0 as first line for each port.
When I core dump, the corrupted file has 1 of the Prn or Term entries as “g” - plain g - no control code - just g.
As these file are re-created each time you run pcu, I have looked for the original of these entries…
I need to know where these “base” files are that correlate the inittab ebtries read in and parsed to “Term” or “Prn” to find this corruption or any other ideas you might have.
Remove and reinstall 3 pci boards with 9 pods needless to say is a very far 2nd choice option.

All communications with these pods (all 9) is functional, as well as dpa - the ports all are functional and have been since day 1, just I have sub-techs who can’t or won’t make a change without pcu…

Ususally, removing .prnt and .conf files for correspondig Xem module does take care of the problem. If not, you may want to avoid using PCU (there should not be a need for every day use).