I have an Edgeport/8 connected to the usb port of a Sun Netra X1 with Solaris 10 Release 6/06. After patching the machine to the current patch level (all public available patches), the usbser_edge driver is correctly attached and I can see /dev/term/0-8 and /dev/cua/0-8. The serial ports are linked with the serial consoles/LOMS of other Solaris systems.
I edited /etc/remote according the USB Faq but
#tip u0
just says, “connected” and that’s all. There is no echo to any character nor a respond to the return key.
#tip /dev/term/0 -9600
#tip /dev/cua/0 -9600
lead to the same result.
If I connect the edgeport from a Windows XP system and connect me to the serial ports with teraterm, I can use the consoles as expected.
Has anybody an idea, how to get to work the edgeport on the Netra X1?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Rick Janda