I’ve downloaded and successfully built the dgrp-1.9.33 driver on RHEL 5 (2.6.18-398.el5) to use with a PortServer TS 4 MEI
But the dgrp_cfg_node command does not create any devices for the ID chosen:
[root@capv-01 dgrp]# dgrp_cfg_node -v -v init s dgps01 4 > dgrp_cfg_node-v-v_s_dgps01_4.log 2>&1
[root@capv-01 dgrp]# less dgrp_cfg_node-v-v_s_dgps01_4.log
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: init requested for node s
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: testing for a loaded module
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: testing for s in /proc
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: making the special devices for s
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: testing for a daemon for s
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: attempting to kill s’s daemon (pid 12960)
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: testing for a daemon for s
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: testing for a loaded module
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: testing for a s in /proc
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: attempting to start a daemon for s
/usr/bin/dgrp_cfg_node: operation completed (init node s)
The build and rpm install went fine - no errors or anything.
But it’s like the TS does not allow me to connect. I get this in /var/log/messages:
Oct 23 15:17:10 capv-01 drpd: drpd(s,dgps01) Connected to Server
Oct 23 15:17:10 capv-01 drpd: drpd(s,dgps01) Server disconnect detected.
Two other systems, AIX 5.3 and RHEL 5 (2.6.18-164.el5) can connect to the TS 4. I’ve disabled firewall and SELinux
Does anyone have any clues?