Hi, I’m currently replacing a system that formerly used an Etherlite 32 with an Etherlite 80. I’d like to know if there’s any differences I should be ready for, besides the obvious limitation on the numbers of ports. Below is the code used to access the serial port (with a few changes for readability). Also note that the Etherlite 32 is fairly old, and may not use the newer RealPort drivers. Please tell me if either of these differences will make this python code not work.
sPort = SerialPort( “/dev/ttyAS” + (“%02d” % (self.unit-1))) #self.unit is an integer from 1 to 8
s = pexpect.spawn(s.fd)
class SerialPort:
Basic serial port class.
This simply encapsulates a file descriptor for the desired serial port.
def __init__(self, dev):
fd = self.fd = os.open(dev, os.O_RDWR | os.O_NONBLOCK)
The EtherLite 32 and EtherLite 80 are really the same from the driver perspective.
Whether or not the device is capable of working with RealPort or is operating the same is determined by the firmware version. To check the firmware:
/usr/bin/rlogin (IP_of_Etherlite)
? ver
The RealPort firmware begins with a number 1, the old FAS firmware begins with a 7. The latest 1.7 RealPort version is available from our web-site in the event you need to upgrade.
One other difference is that the “0” after the 8 in Etherlite 80 indicates it has a 10/100 Ethernet client, rather than the 10baseT-only client like in the EL-32.
As userid0 said, no difference from a driver perspective, but it would allow you to use a 10/100 ethernet hub/switch with the EL-80 so I thought I’d mention it.
Thanks for the help! Glad to hear that the Etherlites should be the same from the driver perspective, and also good to know that the 80 is capable of 100 Mbps transfer, although that shouldn’t matter for my task. I’ll post a new topic if something goes awry, thanks again.