I am using the Digi Connect ME Development Board with Raven debugger, and am trying to run the sample application “naftpapp” as described in the “NET+Works with GNU Tools Programmer’s Guide” manual. All steps seem to work fine including: building the BSP, building the application (I’m specifying the platform as “connectme” as instructed), starting the debugger, and downloading the application. However, when I type “c” (continue) to run the program, I get no errors and it seems to be executing, yet nothing ever appears in the HyperTerminal window. Of course, when I power down and then power the board back up, the naftpapp program loaded in ROM that came pre-loaded with the board immediately runs and displays its information in the HyperTerminal window as expected. I am able to ping the device and open ftp, etc. from the ROM loaded program. I have also tried loading the “Hello World” application from the debugger with the same results. One thing that is interesting to note is that when I stop the debugger and then step through the program, it is stuck in a delay loop, in function waitMills, in nawait.c. This result occurs in both the “naftpapp” program as well as the “Hello World” program. Any insight as to what I’m doing wrong is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Joel
Have you launch Ocd Remote? If you do a right clic on Ocd Remote and properties. then if you look at the target, what is written after the “-c”. It should be “NS7520”, if no, you have to replace what you hace after “-c” by “NS7520”.