Hi everyone,
For our UAV application we are trying to establish a communication link between our aerial vehicle and ground control station. The point is that both our aerial vehicle and ground control station have Ethernet interfaces and establishing their communication via UDP messages (not through a single port but through multiple ports) on a LAN. Moreover they are broadcasting heart beat/initialization messages to a specific UDP port.
We need a middle range (around 1 km) communication but our bandwidth requirement is not that much. WiFi solutions for this much range requires really heavy solutions.
Therefore, we planned a communication links as follows:
DC-ME4-01T-S >> Digi ConnectME Plug and Play
XBP9B-DMSTB002 >> Digi XBEE 900HP Programmable
UAV side:
UAV Ethernet IF << cross-ethernet cable >> DC-ME4-01T-S << Serial TTL >> XBP9B-DMSTB002 (transparent)
Ground Control Station (GCS) side:
GCS Ethernet IF << cross-ethernet cable >> DC-ME4-01T-S << Serial TTL >> XBP9B-DMSTB002 (transparent)
However, UDP configuration of DC-ME4-01T-S does not allow to take packets from multiple UDP ports. Is there anyway to make it work? Do you suggest any serial port profile for DIGI Connect ME to be transparent and have both UAV and GCS are on the same network?
Or do you suggest any other product?
Thank you