I have three Digi Connect ME one is used (is ok) and two out of the box (not working).
The used one is (ok):
MAC 00409D: 369648
PN:(1P) 50000878-1 T
-S 95011130A
And the news are (not working):
MAC 00409D: 3692C9
PN:(1P) 50000878-1 T
-S 95011130A
MAC 00409D: 6884DA
PN:(1P) 50000878-1 W
-S 95011130B
The two news, I can´t find then using “Device Discovery Utility for Windows - ver.” neither using “Device Setup Wizard for Windows ver.” (the good one is detected with both software). I am connecting the devices via a crossover cable. What is the factory IP range? Is there any way to ‘reset’ the devices?
Connect module directly to PC(set a static ip in the range of 192.168.1.x) using cross cable and run device discovery to see if you can discover the modules, if not follow
I was connecting the devices this way (croosover cable). I don´t know why but, the older digi was received with fixed an IP and the two new with DHCP.
I installed ‘Tftpd’ and seted up a DHCP Server as in http://www.digi.com/support/kbase/kbaseresultdetl?id=843
and the Digi got an IP, and then I was able to find it using “Device Discovery Utility for Windows”.