Error connecting the RCM3000 using RS232-to-USB cable

Dear all,

I am new to the RabbitCore and unfortunately, I have already encountered my first problem.
I am using this RS232-to-USB cable[5].htm

I have read the instruction in the manual and the FAQ, configured the correct COM port settings (port number, baud rate, parity bits, etc) but was not able to establish the connection.

This is what happens: when I open a sample program and try to compile it, the IDE gets stuck. The only way to get out of this it is to remove the RS232-to-USB cable and then of course I get the message

While Sending Cold Loader:
Target communication error.

I am using WinXP Pro SP2 and Dynamic C Version 9.21

Any suggestion?

Check out this pics to see what I’m talking about

kind regards,

I guess noone had the same problem with me.

Anyway, I figured that the problem was with the RS232-to-USB converter, so I had 2 options:

  • either buy another one (not a cheap one from ebay this time). A decent one costs around 24gbp

  • buy a desktop from ebay :slight_smile:

I took the 2nd options and bought a complete system (tower + tft monitor) for 50gbp. Dynamic C works like a charm no.

Anyway, morale of the story :
–> beware of cheap products. They cost time and money

Likes BionicMan: “I figured that the problem was with the RS232-to-USB converter”
Change your RS232-to-USB converter. That’s solve my problem

Yep, I had trouble with the one I got from RadioShack, then switched to one I bought from Rabbit. To get it to work I had to lower the Max Download Baud Rate (which wasn’t a step in the troubleshooting guide) in addition to lowering the debug baud rate (which was a step in the troubleshooter).