EX15W basic Windows VPN setup

First, I RTFM and followed the setup instructions. I even followed the video on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az4QY9RrwNM

This is what I’m trying to accomplish:
On a windows device, I want to open a VPN connection to the EX15.
The EX15 has a single wired connection to a switch with DHCP.
In a browser on my computer, I want to enter the IP address of the remote device to access the web interface of the remote system.

In theory, that sounds simple to me - not much info in the Windows VPN setup, the Digi however, has Diffie Hoffman Groups (what?!)
Is there a PDF out there that tells the correct minimum settings to accomplish this? The above video seems like a perfect fit for this issue, but it seems to be missing something.
We’re even prepared to Venmo someone to AnyDesk/TeamViewer into the Digi to set it up.
Any suggestions?


Quick question - does your EX15W have a Public mobile IP address? I ask because this is a requirement for this video/setup to work. Assuming that your EX15W has a SIM card and it has cellular (not wired) Internet access, whether or not your mobile IP address is Public (or Private / NAT’d) is ultimately a question about the SIM card and its data plan / capabilities.

Thanks for the reply.
The issue was solved, thanks, in a large part, to the OpenVPN.com tech support - they went above and beyond, imho. They not only went over the settings for the website (as expected) but also spent time on the settings for the Digi. Which in my experience is usually, “Not our area.” and “Talk to the devices tech support.”
The main issue ended up being a rudimentary DHCP setting for the Digi’s LAN port. (how’s that for being non-embarrasingly vague?)

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