We have EX15W model and also WR54 WR64, the question is regarding EX15W, by default it appears to connect to the web using a wired ethernet but upon connecting using Wi-Fi it does not connect to the web. From the documentation it appears that a bridge has to be setup but upon following the instructions are different than the web interface of the EX15W. Can someone provide solid instructions on setting up the EX15W as a Wi-Fi router able to provide internet access over Wi-Fi like the WR54 and WR64 can by default?
Hello and good afternoon,
If the EX15W is running the current release system firmware and running factory settings, here’s what to change for the scenario you described.
From the EX15W webUI, go to System > Device Configuration Network > Bridges > LAN and slide the enable toggle so it’s blue (meaning enabled). Then click Apply.
By default, the preshared key (for a wifi client to connect) is the unique default password on the label of the device (which is case sensitive). You can change this to something else if needed in the EX15W configuration.
This single change should be all that’s required, but note that, by default, an EX15W is setup for IP Passthrough mode, meaning it does not act as a router, it just acts as a cell modem. So, any mobile IP it gets assigned to it it would be passed onto the wifi client, exposing the wifi client directly to the Internet potentially (depending on the SIM and data plan specifics). And I believe just one wifi client would be able to connect to the EX15W at a time. You may want to change this to Router mode, to do that go to Network > Interfaces > LAN, and change the Interface Type to Ethernet, then click Apply.
Does this help?
I will give that a try thanks!
Sure thing, please update me with the results if possible!