Has the flash chip changed in my Rabbit board and do I need to recompile?

Patch Notes for Serial Flash Support Update 19-May-2015

Effective May 2015, several Rabbit brand boards are impacted by a serial
flash end of life. For the boards in the table shown below, the replacement
serial flash part requires applications to be recompiled with a patched
version of Dynamic C. The table below shows the boards impacted, the first
board revision impacted, and the required patch version of Dynamic C.

   | Rabbit Product |     Part No | Rev+ | Patch Part #   | Software Version |
   | RCM6700        | 20-101-1318 | G    | 40002882_A.zip | Dynamic C 10.72  |
   | RCM6710        | 20-101-1319 | G    |                |                  |
   | RCM6750        | 20-101-1320 | H    |                |                  |
   | RCM6760        | 20-101-1321 | H    |                |                  |
   | RCM6600W       | 20-101-1322 | F  |                |                  |
   | RCM6650W       | 20-101-1323 | F  |                |                  |
   | RCM4200        | 20-101-1131 | G    |                |                  |
   | RCM4210        | 20-101-1132 | G    |                |                  |
   | RCM5400W       | 20-101-1246 | K  |                |                  |
   | BL5S220        | 20-101-1260 | H     |                |                  |
   | BL4S110        | 20-101-1256 | G     |                |                  |
   | RCM3305        | 20-101-1067 | E    | 40002882_A.zip | Dynamic C 9.62   |
   | RCM3315        | 20-101-1068 | E    |                |                  |
   | RCM3319        | 20-101-1195 | G    |                |                  |


Unzip the archive to a location on your hard drive. The patch is structured
by Dynamic C version and as an overlay to your existing installation.
To use the patch, simply copy the patch over your existing version of
Dynamic C to replace your existing files with the patched versions of the

Recompililation Required

Recompilation of your existing application is required for all affected
products listed in the table above. In other words, if your product’s part
number is at the revision listed or a later revision, then you will need to
build a new binary image with the patched version of Dynamic C. Note that
the binary image will work with both new revision and older revisions of the

Previous Versions of Dynamic C

Customers using previous versions of Dynamic C must upgrade to the
version listed in the table above in order to use the patch.

Patch available on the Dynamic C page on Digi’s website:


New version Rev. B available,
Patch available on the Dynamic C page on Digi’s website: