I’m having trouble running the built in analog_adapter_sample program with in ESP.
The gateway is a X4 H, the adapter is the digimesh 900 Pro. I’m wondering if the firmware on the AIO adapter is some how corrupted? (8044) is currently loaded.
While compiling the error is:
DEBUG:XBeeDDOParamCache:CACHE MISS param ‘DD’ addr 'None’reason: node not found
DEBUG:XBeeDDOParamCache:CACHE STORE: cached ‘DD’ = ‘\x00\x04\x00\x03’ for ‘None’
CRITICAL:xbee_device_manager:This xbee manager cannot use the xbee module on the gateway. (Maybe there is a digimesh/zigbee mismatch?)
Exception in thread xbee_device_manager:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./threading.py”, line 442, in _bootstrap
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\Digi\python\DevTools-2.2\Dia\Dia_2.3.0\src\devices\xbee\xbee_device_manager\xbee_device_manager.py”, line 677, in run
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\Digi\python\DevTools-2.2\Dia\Dia_2.3.0\src\devices\xbee\xbee_device_manager\zigbee_device_manager.py”, line 204, in validate
ZigBeeDeviceManagerUnsupportedModuleType: module_id: 4, accepted module ids: (3, 10, 0)