How can I use the me9210 with netos jsk as a one with firmware, I just use it’s the simple function to control GPIO and serial port
I want a me9210 module with firmware, but I have got a module using netos to develop but with no firmware. I just want to use it as a device to control the serial port and GPIO port and the ip of it is configurable.I bought a wrong one ,how can I use the one now I have as the one with firmware or which product can I meet my request? thanks very much!
You can look through the NET+OS sample programs which has a serial example you can run. Or get the Plug N Play unit Part# DC-ME-Y402-S.
now,I have got the firmware DC-ME-Y402-S, but how can I flash it into the module, I have found an example as NET+OS project, from the page I get,I can find an option to update my firmware, but when I select the image.bin(DIGI connect ME 9210 EOS firmware) I get from the website, it says server error! Can you tell me how to update ?