In this Schema, Mesh Network needed between Node B, Node C, Node D, and Node E (I dont know is the Node A include Mesh Network or not). in every Node (except Node A) have thermal sensors and LCD to show the data of thermal in it’s node… Then B is collecting thermal data from every Node then send the data to node A…
I hope the schema can run well :
when Node C turned off, data from node D, and E can collected by Node B ( include data from Node B ) then send to Node A.
when Node E turned off, data from node C, and D can collected by Node B ( include data from Node B ) then send to Node A.
when Node d turned off, data from Node C, and E can collected by Node B ( include data from Node B ) then send to Node A.
I have doing :
Set the C, D and E in broadcast mode as end points
Set B as Router and with DH n DL set to send data to Node A
Set A as Coordinator with DH n DL 0000
What Happened in my Scheme is :
Node B only read one data from 3 another nodes
When Data from node C read by Node B, then I turn Node C off, automatically data from another node read by Node B (It can be Node E or Node D)
Please give me advice for my problem above… Thank’s before
I implemented a similar network with coordinator and routers. When a router failed then i lost communication between the nodes which are connected through the failed node. How self healing works i dont know. Can you advice me how to realize the self healing network? i am using S2B module.