How to Build Mesh Nework ?

This is my Sceheme :

In this Schema, Mesh Network needed between Node B, Node C, Node D, and Node E (I dont know is the Node A include Mesh Network or not). in every Node (except Node A) have thermal sensors and LCD to show the data of thermal in it’s node… Then B is collecting thermal data from every Node then send the data to node A…
I hope the schema can run well :

  • when Node C turned off, data from node D, and E can collected by Node B ( include data from Node B ) then send to Node A.
  • when Node E turned off, data from node C, and D can collected by Node B ( include data from Node B ) then send to Node A.
  • when Node d turned off, data from Node C, and E can collected by Node B ( include data from Node B ) then send to Node A.

I have doing :

  • Set the C, D and E in broadcast mode as end points
  • Set B as Router and with DH n DL set to send data to Node A
  • Set A as Coordinator with DH n DL 0000

What Happened in my Scheme is :

  • Node B only read one data from 3 another nodes
  • When Data from node C read by Node B, then I turn Node C off, automatically data from another node read by Node B (It can be Node E or Node D)

Please give me advice for my problem above… Thank’s before :smiley:


- Set the C, D and E in broadcast mode as end points

>> if you will set C and E as end device then they will not act as hopping node for D and D has to send data directly to B.

- Set B as Router and with DH n DL set to send data to Node A

>> This is fine.

- Set A as Coordinator with DH n DL 0000

>> 0000 is the address of coordinator itself. Better set DH=00 and Dl=0xFFFF i.e. broadcast address

Which modules are you using in this project?? S1?? S2B??

sorry, I mean I’ve set them as end device, coz on the Xbee only three option, coordinator, router and and device

No, The Node A is set not to send just receive so I set DH n DL 0000

I use Xbee Pro S2B, please give me advice

Ok. So you are using zigbee.

Node A: Make it coordinator. Destination address doesn’t matter as its only receiving.

Node B,C,E: Set it as Router. DH=0 and DL=0 i.e. coordinator’s address

Node E: Set it as End Device. Set DH=0 and DL=0 i.e. coordinator’s address.

The only differences between router and end devices are that:

  1. End devices will not hop data, routers can.
  2. End devices will sleep to save power while router won’t.

and yes, zigbee is a self healing network. So if any of the nodes get down then network will automatically reconfigure itself.


I’am a newbies in xbee and my english isn’t verry good.

I want to make the same application like you.

Is it possible to print the configuration of module A, B and C to see the difference between all of them ?

Thank you.


I implemented a similar network with coordinator and routers. When a router failed then i lost communication between the nodes which are connected through the failed node. How self healing works i dont know. Can you advice me how to realize the self healing network? i am using S2B module.