How to change XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit US-Cloud to Europe-Cloud

Hello everyone,

I have a XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit.
I signed up in -Device Cloud by Etherios- and chose Europe as cloud. The problem is that even if i type the right XBee Gateway Serial Number to accomplish a communication it won’t work. So I tried making a new account using US as cloud. And it worked. So I it Looks like that it is a US version kit. But the problem is the communication is very bad. It needs minimal 10~12 sec. to change the widgeds value. So I tried to find if I could change the cloud but I can’t find a solution.

Second thought is:
Can I use my own server using the XBee Gateway ZB?
If yes, is there a tutorial for programming?
It looks like that this Kit is relative new, so I can’t find many valuable sources. I hope the category is the right one.

Thanks for helping.

This can be changed from the existing Device Cloud account under Device Management > Devices by going into the device Properties > Network Settings > (EQ) Etherios FQDN and changing the value to point to the UK instance:

Don’t forget to click Save.

The unit will need to be rebooted in order for the change to take affect. This can be done from the Device Cloud by right clicking on the device from the Device Management > Devices screen and clicking reboot…

Thx for answering. But I already found it. But maybe someone will have the same problem.

I have the problem now, that the device cloud doesn’t refresh the animation. For example if I change the the value of my poti on the developer board I need to refresh the site myself. In the beginning I just needed to wait 10 seconds. Maybe you have an answer for me.