How to changed "Znet 2.5 router sensor"firmware ? I can't find XBEE Module

Today . I Want to uptate Xbee pro Series2 to “Znet 2.5 router AT” firmware …But I do not care a firmware upgrade to "Znet 2.5 router sensor " …When uptrade finished … oh ! my god… Now can not upgrade the other versions of the firmware. . Please help me! TKS.

Router Sensor firmware is a special version of firmware designed specifically for the XBee 1-Wire Sensor adapter. One of the characteristics of this firmware is that the XBee’s UART is disabled. In order to get this module back to a state where you can send AT commands to it, write the Router AT firmware on it instead.

You mean, you want to update the firmware on the sensor?

If yes, you can do this through OTA. Associate this router with a Gateway, through the Web UI of the gateway you can update the firmware.


Hi, I had the same question. Because it can’t communicate with the xbee module by serial port, how can I update the version of the firmware? Please help me! Thanks.

On the AIO Adapters, DIO Adapters, Sensor Adapter the UART Dout is disabled but Din is unabled. So, Firmware can be upgraded if proper steps are followed to upgrade the firmware as mentioned in the U Tube link on the topic ‘how to recover failed firmware upgrade’

Ok…I have checked it. I think the time to come to upgrade my firmware now. It;s really helpful.