I have a Digi Xbee3USB (‘Product family’: XB3-24, ‘Function Set’: Digi Xbee3 Zigbee 3.0, Firmware: 1010 (newest)). I want to discover/control Zigbee Endpoint device (for example IKEA Tradfri LED E14 470lm/IKEA Tradfri Plug) using this USB module as Coordinator. I have set the Digi USB module (AP: 1, CE: 1). But Endpoint devices cannot be connected when the reset button is pressed in end device. Also XCTU Network scan cannot find any device. I need to know the MAC address (64 bit address) of the end device. Also tried the Python code to get remote devices. But without success.
Please let me know the Coordinator setup and the process of finding/connecting to Zigbee end devices.
Thanks a lot. I tried to setup the Xbee3USB module in Home Assistant with ZHA (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha/) as Coordinator. It works fine there and can discover/connect all the devices (in pairing mode). Now when I use the module in XCTU, I see that some settings changed matching your suggestion. Scanning for remote devices and AT commands in XCTU works fine with the Endpoint devices I have.
I am facing the same issue. The coordiantor is Xbee3 and I have set the above paramaters. I am attempting to add a motion sensor and a sonoff temp humidity sensor, both Zigbee 3.0. The Scanning is not showing any remote Zigbee module.
I have set
ZS to 2
AO to E
EE to 1
EO and KY. But nothing is showing up. Need help.
None of the devices are joining the coordinator or the Console logs are not showing any zdo frames. In fact the only frames I can see are the broadcast frame sent by the coordinator and then 3 modem frames that get received. One is channel error 8A, next is Coordinator started and last is node join started. So these 4 frames keep repeating every scan cycle.
Are these setting above and rest of them to be default ok for lets say a sonoff sensor to join?
The NJ setting I have tried with FF as well as FE. Same result.
Now only question is of EO and KY setting. EO to 2 and KY the default Zigbee Alliance Key is the right setting or Sonofff and Tuya and other OEMs set their own keys?
Yes, the EO 0f 2 is correct. As for the KY, that is dependent on the other carriers on if they are following the specification or not. If they are following the specification, then the standard KY value. Otherwise you would need to check with them.