I would like to configure an XBee3 with ZigBee 3.0 TH v100B to look like a standard wall switch, wall plug, or lock. My goal is to add the device to an Amazon Echo Plus. I imagine I just need to configure the ZigBee stack with a few parameters. A code sample would be great. Any language or platform would be fine.
I am sorry but Digi does not have listed settings needed for an Amazon Echo. My best guess is that you will need to set the ZS to 2. As for the Encryption options, that will dependent on what Zigbee standard the Echo works on. I would expect Amazon to be able to tell you want options are needed and what Key if any is needed.
You will want to write your app so that you are using the proper End points for the desired target end device. IE wall switch, light, Etc.
IF you are using an external processor, then set the AP to 1 and AO to enable bits 2 and 3.
Has anyone managed to get a XBee3 to be recognized by an Amazon Echo Plus as a Zigbee Home Automation end point like a light switch? It seems like there are a lot of people wanting to do this, but almost no answers for how it might be done.