How to connect wifi direct between CCimX6UL Starter and Android phone ?

Hi Digi community,
My name is Toan. I’m using ConnectCore iMX6UL Starter an I trying to use Wifi Direct function. Unfortunately, I can not connect successfully between CCiMX6UL and my Android phone.
These are my steps:
On my phone, I open my wifi direct section and push on search device button.
On my CCiMX6, I execute:
$ wpa_cli -i wlan0
$ p2p_find 20
$ p2p_connect MAC_android pbc join

But my phone show nothing

Then I try to send invitatation. On CCiMX6UL show up a message show that:


And my phone require a code. I type 27240755 on

Then on my CCiMX6:

$ wps_pbc myAndroidMAC

and nothing happen again.

And I try many ways but nothing change.
So what I can do now ?
Thank you so much,