how to reduce the transmission delay in the broadcast mode on XBP24BZ7SIT-004?

How to reduce the transmission delay in the broadcast mode on XBP24BZ7SIT-004? When the buffer receives the data the transmission does not go and the buffer can overflow. In normal addressing delays not.

Module transmit data once “RO” parameter time is passed out since data is received on UART line. This rule is equally applied for unicast and broadcast transmission.

This is the only thing that can delay transmission of data present in module’s buffer. Otherwise, if Tx buffer is already full, module will assert CTS line and will not accept new data till Tx buffer has enough room generated.

Although, both these factors applies equally to unicast and broadcast transmission but these are the closest I can think of that might cause issue reported by you.

The product you are referring to is a Zigbee Mesh enabled device. When sending Broadcast transmissions, there is a Self imposed delay used to allow the previous transmission time to propagate through the network before the next Broadcast is sent. This same delay is not used in Unicast transmissions as there is an ACK letting you know that it has been received.

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