Hi guys I need help!!!
I need communicate a weight scale with a Control Logix System.
I download a file 90000642_a.pdf what explain how configure the DigiOne, (is the same case with me), but if I triggered the MSG write,the Source Element is a Tag of tyoe String (Sol_Tare), The destination Element is N10:0 y the Number of Element is 1, this MSG send the ‘T$r’ what means “Tare” and when I triggered the MSG Read the source element is N60:0 and Destination Element is a Tag of type Int (Res_Weight[0]) and Number of Elements=10 but the weight scale don´t made nothing.
If I triggered a MSG Read with Source Element=N10:0 I can read the string ‘T$r’.
Somebody know why?? I need croos cable for connect the weihgt scale with the DB9 connector of the DigiOne???