Jump Start Compile Error

When going throght the “Getting Started Tutorial”, I get the following errors when I try to build:

make -k -s clean all

Building Bsp
** Copy project files to bsp
** Build bsp
…/…/Makefile.tools:33: …/…/src/bsp/platforms/connectwime_esp/Makefile.bsp: No such file or directory
…/…/Makefile.tools:102: *** You have entered an invalid platform, the valid platforms are: ns9750_a, ns9360_a, ns7520_a, connectme, connectem, connectsp, connectwisp, connectwime, connectwiem, net50bga_a, connectcore9c_a, connectcorewi9c_a, connectcore7u_a. Stop.
…/…/Makefile.tools:33: …/…/src/bsp/platforms/connectwime_esp/Makefile.bsp: No such file or directory
…/…/Makefile.tools:102: *** You have entered an invalid platform, the valid platforms are: ns9750_a, ns9360_a, ns7520_a, connectme, connectem, connectsp, connectwisp, connectwime, connectwiem, net50bga_a, connectcore9c_a, connectcorewi9c_a, connectcore7u_a. Stop.
make: *** [bsp/7_1/connectwime/lib/libbsp.a] Error 2

Any thoughts?


Hi Chris,

Sorry for the problems getting started. Please contact our Tech Support team at http://www.digi.com/support/eservice/login.jsp for assistance moving forward with the Getting Started Tutorial. This should be covered under your basic installation support provided free of charge.

Best regards,

John Leier