Location of the firmware for anywhereUSB 5 (gen 1) please

We have several anywhereUSB 5 (gen 1) concentrators attached to a windows server 2003 machine. We have problems keeping them all connected to the machine. Once they disconnect, we have to reboot the machine to get them to reconnect. We are trying to get the latest firmware for the configuration utility as well as for the concentrators. Could someone please point me to where I can find both? I’m having a hard time navigating this site to find them. Thanks!


Firmware is not applicable to the legacy / 1st gen AWUSB/5 model.

The latest driver for the legacy / 1st gen AWUSB/5 model is version 3.51.49.

v3.51.49 32-bit driver download link (rev K)

v3.51.49 64-bit driver download link (rev K)

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