Memory consumption issues with ConnectPort X4

Glad the forum is back up! So I kept removing sections of the Dia.YML until the bare minimum:



  • name: xbee_device_manager
    driver: devices.xbee.xbee_device_manager.xbee_device_manager:XBeeDeviceManager

  • name: LC1
    driver: devices.rabbit.xbee_gpio_client:XBeeGPIOClient
    xbee_device_manager: “xbee_device_manager”
    extended_address: “00:13:a2:00:40:55:90:55!”
    poll_rate: 10


  • name: rci_handler
    driver: presentations.rci.rci_handler:RCIHandler
    target_name: idigi_dia


and it runs out of memory in a couple of days where I have to reboot to clear it out. By the way, I use a program to get a channel_dump of the gateway via SCI/RCI every 5 seconds, so I know when it stops responding.

I am not very well versed in Python, but it appears that the XBeeGPIOClient driver has a problem. Any ideas?