Modbus Slave - BL4S200

I’m trying to have my BL4S200 read a digital input, and have a Master device read the status of that input.

I’m using some of the code from the example" DIGIN.C" to printf the status of an input, so i know the board’s I/O is intialized and reading, but i can’t seem to read the status from the MODBUS device.

My code is as follows:

// The following three definitions are required for proper operation
// of the TCP/IP keepalive function.  If they are not defined here
// default values will be used.
#define	INACTIVE_PERIOD		5	//  period of inactivity, in seconds, before sending a
											//		keepalive, or 0 to turn off keepalives.
#define	KEEPALIVE_WAITTIME  	3	// number of seconds to wait between keepalives,
			  						  		//		after the 1st keepalive was sent
#define	KEEPALIVE_NUMRETRYS	3	// number of retrys

#define TCPCONFIG 		0
#define USE_ETHERNET		1
// set up my IP addresses
#define IFCONFIG_ETH0 \
		IFS_IPADDR,aton(""), 		\
      IFS_ROUTER_SET, aton(""),	\
		IFS_NETMASK,aton(""),	\

#use dcrtcp.lib


#use BLxS2xx.lib
#use Modbus_Slave_TCP.Lib
#use Modbus_Slave.Lib
#use Modbus_Slave_BL4S200.Lib

#class auto

// set the STDIO cursor location and display a string
void DispStr(int x, int y, char *s)
   x += 0x20;
   y += 0x20;
   printf ("\x1B=%c%c%s", x, y, s);

// update digital inputs for the given channel range
void update_input(int start_channel, int end_channel, int col, int row)
	char *ptr;
	char display[80];
	int reading;
   int channel;

	// display the input status for the given channel range
	ptr = display;							         //initialize the string pointer
   for (channel = start_channel; channel <= end_channel; ++channel)
		reading = digIn(channel);	   			//read channel
      ptr += sprintf(ptr, "%d	", reading);	//format reading in memory
	DispStr(col, row, display);				   //update input status
void main ()
	int channel;

   // Initialize the Controller

   // Set configurable I/O 0-15 to be general digital inputs
	for(channel = 0; channel < 16; ++channel)
   while (ifpending(IF_DEFAULT) == IF_COMING_UP) {
   MODBUS_TCP_Init (1,502);
   // Tick forever and respond to inputs.

   //Display user instructions and channel headings
	DispStr(8, 1, " <<< Configurable I/O set as inputs 00 - 15 >>>");
	DispStr(8, 3, "DIN00	DIN01	DIN02	DIN03	DIN04	DIN05	DIN06	DIN07");
	DispStr(8, 4, "-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----");

	for (;;)
      // update input channels 0 - 7, located at col = 8 row = 5.
		update_input(0, 7, 8, 5);

I have my MODBUS master set to read the Digital Coils ( 0 ) and Digital inputs ( 1 ), just to make sure i wasnt missing anything, but it seems like the data isnt being transmitted and i don’t know where to start debugging.

Also, where do i find out / set the baud rate?