Moving from 8.61 to 9.62

When I compile my code, It starts sending the pilot bios and gets to “Loading to flash” 8576/8576 and then the error message that says “While sending user program: timeout while waiting for response from target”

The compiler messages says the following.
line 1 : WARNING ERROR : No parameters found for flash id received from pilot bios - using default parameters.
line 33 : WARNING BOARDTYPES.LIB : No ID Block found on the target; defining BOARD_TYPE to be a BL1810.

I loaded the program up in 8.61 and compiled it and the program loads ok. So I think it is safe to assume that the cable is working. I looked at both poject settings and both are configured the same.

Any ideas why this would not work? I am trying to move to 9.62 because 8.61 is giving me too many issues in Windows 7 Ultimate.

Did you verify that the board type is still supported in DC9.62? Look in BoardTypes.lib

I looked in boardtype.lib and I see the RCM3000 listed there. I changed the line in boardtype.lib to define the RCM3000 and I still end up getting the same compiler error message with the following timeout screen.