MP15 12-Bit DACs

In the MP15 SOM HRM, it mentions two 12 bit DACs in the feature list on page 7 and then lists an output pin on page 71 for DAC_OUT1, and page 77 for DAC_OUT2. However, I don’t see them mentioned in the Eval Kit HRM or the BSP/APIx documentation. Did Digi just decide to ignore the DACs in the BSP or am I missing something? I need to drive an external device (a chart recorder) with one of them if possible.

Are you asking about ADC? You can find documentation here:

No not the Analog-to-Digital (ADC) inputs, the Digtal-to-Analog (DAC) outputs. The drivers exist as there is code in the repo for them here:

and there are related entries in the demo images under sysfs in /sys/bus/platform/drivers/stm32-dac and /sys/bus/platform/drivers/stm32-dac-core.

So there has to be support for them … but it don’t seem to be documented as far as I can tell.