Obsolete gateway

I am on a project that started with a Digi ConnectPort X2 Zigbee IP Gateway and programmable Xbee S2B.

Currently, due to the obsolescence of these products, we purchase an Xbee Gateway - ZB Ethernet and a non-programmable Xbee3.

The basic logic of the system created in the project is:

  • A prototype with magnetic sensors, sends the states of this prototype to an App (designed in VS) through an Xbee gateway.

We transitioned out of obsolete equipment, replacing the Xbee S2B Programmable with an Xbee3 and a microprocessor.

So far so good.

The PROBLEM I have now is that the data frames I receive from the new Gateway.
The frames I receive are altered when connecting more than 1 Xbee to the Gateway.

Frame example (1 Xbee in 1 Gateway):
status1, status2, status3 @ A10101
status1, status2, status3 @ A10101
status1, status2, status3 @ A10101

Frame example (2 Xbee in 1 Gateway):
status1, status2, status3 @ A10101
status1, status2, status3 @ A10101status1, status2, status3 @ B20202
status1, status2, status3 @ A10101

If I communicate 2 Xbee3 modules with this (micro) programming, the frame is kept in order and the frames are not mixed. But if I occupy the Gateway, this problem arises.

How can i fix this?

Thanks in advance!

If this is a standard Analog sensor, why not use the ADC inputs on the XBee for it or use the internal Micro Python functions? If you use the ADC function, then you can use the sample applications to read the XBee modules ADC inputs on the Gateway.