From reading various posts somehow related to my question, it appears that it is valid to do the following with 3 xbee series 2 radios:
Establish a network with one coordinator.
Have 2 routers or end devices join that network.
have these 2 devices send messages to each other.
unplug the coordinator.
The two end devices can still communicate on the same network.
Is that so? Does this survive power cycles? i.e., will they both be able to re-join this network without the coordinator being present at any tme, and talk to each others again?
And then when the coordinator is back, the network resumes as a complete zigbee network?
I unplug the sending router A, and replug it: router B does not receive data anymore
yea, that should be how it’s suppose to work. Router A looks for an available network to join 1st, before being assigned by the Coordinator to a DH, DL parameter value to it’s radio settings. Then again, did you try to read the radio settings after replugging router A?
Ok, it all works as I wanted it to work. Both routers can talk to each others without any coordinator, and that survives power cycles.
My problem was caused by a bad setting on router A, the sender. It had the JV (channel verification) set to 1, which requires the coordinator to be on the network. Setting to the default 0 fixed my problem.