[Question]what is EtherLite32-realport-for-Solaris10-connect-command?

Dear ALL

Solaris8: I use FAS firmware to setup connection.
And to use next command to connect:
/opt/CDsts/bin/dinc -8 9600 /dev/sts/ttyN00

Solaris10: I update it to Realport driver.
What command do I need? ditty? And how?
Could you show full command for me?
Example: /opt/realport/ditty ??? /dev/ttyN0001 ???

Thanks for your help,

The dinc binary will also work with the RealPort driver. I recommend contacting Digi Technical Support to obtain the dinc binary for Solaris 10. Please be sure to specify the architecture you are using (SPARC, X86_64, etc…).

Thanks for your comment.
And I try to install old dinc for Solaris10, it can not install into Solaris 10.
So I try to use other command.
tip -9600 /dev/dty/N001s
tip -9600 /dev/dty/N002s

Now, I can use it in Solaris10.
Thanks again,