Rapidport installation problems

I have installed two rapidport4 modems on a machine that previously ran a single USRobotics modem.

I cannot get the port test button to become enabled. Also the port status button is disabled.

I have assigned ports COM5 to COM12. At various times, I can query the modem, but then it fails to answer the phone.

When I reboot, I see all of the lights com on for the modems, but they quickly go out. The system light is green.

Any ideas?

The Test Ports and Port Status buttons are not applicable to our Rapidports. They apply to our Edgeport USB-to-serial converters.

What exactly is the problem you’re running into?

as to the connection problems, when connected to Hyperterminal, the RING is identified, but it doesn’t connect.

Can you give me more details about this? What do you mean the ring is identified? What exactly are you doing in Hyperterminal?