Read RSSI values between endnode and all routers.

is it possible to read RSSI values between endnode and all routers.

I have installed xbee series2 PRO endnode in AT mode. It’is a endnode(E1) that links to router1, router2, router3. EndNode link to router2 and I can read rssi measurements with router2.
I want to read rssi with python code between (E1 to router1) and (E1 to router2) and (E1 to router3).
Is it possible?

Any Ideas?

No. The reason for that is that an end node only talks directly with its parent. Then the parent sends the data to which ever node was specified by the end nodes DL and DH. So it would not be possible to get the RSSI level from all routers within range of a specific End node.