Send data from DIGI WI-ME to remote server

I am using DIGI WIME -S module with plug and play firmware. I have try alots of method to send data to remote server from DIGI WIME. Unfortunately , it failed.
The DIGI WIME is connected to network since i can access its WEB UI. Below are the commands that i send to DIGI WIME through serial.

“set wlan authentication=open\r”,
“set wlan encryption=wep\r”,
“set wlan channel=6\r”,
“set wlan wepmode=128bit\r”,
“set wlan ssid=myrouter\r”,
“set wlan wepkey1=544301301D021764050087ABCD\r”,
“set network gateway=\r”,
“set network submask=\r”,
“set network ip=\r”,
“set network dhcp=off\r”,
“set network autoip=off\r”,
“set network static=on\r”,
“set autoconnect ipaddress=\r”,
“set autoconnect ipport=5001\r”,
“set autoconnect connect_on_string=connecting\r”,
“set autoconnect flush_string=on\r”,
“set autoconnect nodelay=on\r”,
“set autoconnect state=on\r”,
“set tcpserial buffered=on\r”,
“set tcpserial endpattern=sent\r”,
“connecting COME THE TESTING DATA sent”

After sending the commands, the serial replies from DIGIWIME are as follows;

#> set wlan authentication=open
Evaluation of your saved wireless settings:

#> set wlan encryption=wep
Evaluation of your saved wireless settings:

#> set wlan channel=6
Evaluation of your saved wireless settings:

#> set wlan wepmode=128bit
Evaluation of your saved wireless settings:

#> set wlan ssid=myrouter
Evaluation of your saved wireless settings:

#> set wlan wepkey1=544301301D021764050087ABCD
Evaluation of your saved wireless settings:

#> set network gateway=
#> set network submask=
#> set network ip=
#> set network dhcp=off
#> set network autoip=off
#> set network static=on
#> set autoconnect ipaddress=
#> set autoconnect ipport=5001
#> set autoconnect trigger=string
#> set autoconnect connect_on_string=connecting
#> set autoconnect flush_string=on
#> set autoconnect nodelay=on
#> set autoconnect state=on
#> set tcpserial buffered=on
#> set tcpserial endpattern=sent
#> connecting COME THE TESTING DATA sent

The server does not receive anything and i believe is due to the DIGI-WIME does not send out the data to server.
Do I make mistakes on the configurations or other things ?
Please help.
