Hello, I recently purchased the XBee ZigBee Pro (S2B) module and I wanted to know if i require another zigbee module in order to broadcast any data wirelessly. I just need to send data (random data) in the vicinity of another network (2.4 GHz network) and see if 802.15.4-based protocols affect it (interfere with it). So basically, I only need to “radiate” packets, so just creating interference is enough for me. Can anyone tell me if this is possible? Thanks.
If you configure the one you have as a Coordinator and then send to the Broadcast address of 0xFFFF it may do what you want. Just understand that you will be only able to send messages at most once every 2 to 4 seconds with the module you have now.
Thanks for the reply mvut. I know the S2B is a ZigBee product but for my project we decided that ZigBee best represents the 802.15.4 protocol (most common usage thereof). Anyway, I will try broadcasting 0xFFFF as it seems it could do the job. I was wondering though, is the module itself limited to sending data every 2-4 seconds or is that how ZigBee works in general (sending bursts of data)? Also, could I broadcast data at max throughput (250 kbps) with this module (using the 0xFFFF method or something else)? Thanks a lot.
When sending Broadcast transmissions, the limit of once packet ever 3 - 4 seconds is a function of the Zigbee networking protocol.
You are getting confused between the RF data rate and the maximum throughput. Maximum throughput under unicast transmissions on a Zigbee network is only about 30kbps over one hop and 15kbps over 2.
If you were to switch to the XBee 802.15.4 modules which is ACTUALLY the best product to represent 802.15.4 transmissions, you could then stream data at up to 80kbps regardless of unicast or broadcast.
Sorry for the late reply, how would I actually be able to broadcast “random data”?
Lets say I only want to configure the XBee once (via XCTU or some COM port) to send data (only 0’s or 1’s, something simple) and then connect it to my RPi 3’s USB only for power. Is there a way I can create a loop to constantly send out packets? Be it via XCTU or via a bash script in the Pi. In XCTU I set my DH to 0000000000000FFFF. Does that just send my serial commands into space? I can loop a sequence of packets infinitely but I need to be able to do so on every startup of my RPi (so basically when the XBee gets powered up). Does XCTU save these settings after powering the XBee off? Meaning could I broadcast this infinite sequence after every reboot. Thanks.
Once you Write settings to the radios NVram, they are pertinently written or until changed. That is to say, once you configure the radios address or any other setting and use the Write function, they are set and will not change regardless of how many power cycles you do.
If you connect the radio to the RPP’s USB port, then you would need to write an app on that processor that does what you want. In this case, send data via the USB port out over the RF port to all other nodes that are in range and out of their UART to what ever device they are connected to.
Thanks, I actually ended up using an 802.15.4 module, because ZigBee cannot broadcast - it needs a connection. I believe you implied this in the previous comments but I misunderstood. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with my system now, thank you for your help.