I have one xbee digimesh with a sensor sending data to another Xbee digimesh every 5 minutes in cyclic sleep mode. Everything is working ok, the xbees wake up, the 1st grabs a measure from ADC, send it to the 2nd xbee and all get back to sleep. I have a led attached to pin 13 so i can see the sleep/wake process.
Next, i have made a modification on the 1st xbee: i attached the sensor to arduino, wired TX/Rx from arduino to xbee Rx/Tx and send data using serialdata(). I use a 15K/10K voltage divider to safely connect pins between arduino (5V) and xbee (3,3V).
First i disabled sleep mode and the messages from the 1st xbee are sent to the 2nd xbee, so everything ok. Then i enabled cyclic sleep, but instead of sleep/wake every 5 minutes, the sleep/wake led turns on and off randomly, about 10 seconds every time, and i cannot receive any message on the second xbee.
After several attempts, i discovered if i disconnect th Rx wire from the xbee, the xbee sleeps 5 minutes… it seems that Rx pin is waking the xbee every 10 seconds, is that possible?