Switching between P2MP and Digimesh on XBee Pro 900HP - S3B

My team is currently working on prototyping different wireless sensor networks. We are going to purchase some 900HP modules and noticed they are available in both point to multipoint and digimesh variants. If we purchase the point to multipoint versions and at a later point in time we decide we want to explore digimesh netoworking as a solution, will we be able to flash the 900HP firmware to make this possible?

Thank you for your time, I apologize if I am contributing to forum spam, but I am having a hard time nailing down a positive answer on this question.

As long as you purchase a Development kit or interface boards which have the required lines, then yes you can change the firmware between the Point to point and mesh codes.

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Thanks mvut, I appreciate the clarification.
I wanted to clarify the interface boards and required lines you mentioned.
Would something like the Parallax breakout board work? Or would you need to use a more advanced interface board, like the XBee Grove Development Board?

Parallax Board:
XBee Grove Development Board:

Thanks again

Thanks mvut, I appreciate the clarification.
I wanted to clarify the interface boards and required lines you mentioned.
Would something like the Parallax breakout board work? Or would you need to use a more advanced interface board, like the XBee Grove Development Board?

Parallax Board:
XBee Grove Development Board:

Thanks again

You are going to need to check with Paralllax to see if it has the proper lines but as far as I am aware of, the Grove board should.