transmit data to an end device to a router and then to cordinador

I want to make a communication from the end device to coordinator through two router.
I used frames API, I’m using an API cordinador (a), two API routers (b, c), and an end device API (d).
The route is as follows

Cordinador first sends an API frame (AT command) to the end device, what I want is that the response of the final
device to pass each router to get to cordinador

The first question I have is: how should I set the destination addresses of every device?
that is to say I place as the destination address which have more xbee next?

also, I do not what address I put the API frame that cordinador want to send from the end device? should I place
the address of the router that is closer to the cordinador or directly placed the address of the end device?

Other than the coordinator, leave the address of all of the other nodes at default settings. The reason for that is that by default, when a network is formed, your router and end devices will set the DL and DH to match the special address of 0 which is the coordinators address. As for the coordinator, set the DL and DH on it to match the SL and SH of the Node you want the data to be sent out the UART of. The radios will figure out on their own the shortest possible path to get the data from Point A to Point Z and from Z to A.