Unable to connecto to AP with XBee SA modules


I’m trying to connect a WiFi S6 module (fw 102d) to an WLAN AP (WPA enc) trough XTCU but the connection procedure always fail.
Is there a way to connect these devices to a commercial AP ?

Best regards,
Michele Santucci

Withe now obsoleted S6 WIFI module you are using, you need to use infrastructure mode instead of IBS mode.

I have another doubt …is it possibile to start the connection from AT commands? Reading the application note and manual for S6/S6B modules it seems that there’s not an explicit command to connect to selected AP.

Moreover the ATAS commands is not working… it reports ERROR just after entering it.

Hallo mvut, thnx for your reply but I never set S6 module into IBSS mode is currently and previously working in infrastructure mode and it refuses to connecto to AP… so what’s up?

Are you using Encryption on your access point?

Yes it uses WPA and the Active Scan correctly recognize it.

So ? Do I have to disable encryption?