unable to to write XBee Pro series 2

I’m unable to write AT commands to my XBee or program the modem configuration.

It’s a XBee Pro series 2 (serial version).

The comtest seems ok:

But the terminal can’t connect:

I can read the AT settings in “modem configuration” from my XBee, but I’m unable to write the AT settings:

I press the reset and tt tries to program, setting the AT parameters. But then the same info screen pops up. And it doesn’t respond to the reset.


Also after a reset I can sometimes enter AT commands in the Terminal, but it seems it doesn’t write these settings to the chip.

What version of firmware do you have?


See the screenshots

What operating system are you using?

Windows 2000.

But did I just bricked my Xbee?
I can’t imagine why it doesn’t work.

The demo worked perfect, I just changed the destination address and now it doesn’t respond to AT commands.

+++ for entering the command interface is working, but entering commands like ATDH & ATDL and ATWR doesn’t work.

I can enter these commands, but no response like OK.

Since +++ is working try sending ATRE followed by a carriage return(enter) to restore the module to the defaults. I had to do this with several of my modules since the restore button withing X-CTU did not work.

That didn’t work.

Is there an OK when the reset is completed?
Because I didn’t get an OK.

You would recieve an “OK” after you press enter after the command. Do you know what the Command Mode Timeout (ATCT) is set to?

5 seconds

Give Digi a call and talk with one of the application engineers. I recommend Gilbert or Alison. This is the quickest way to find the problem.

ok, thanks.

But that will be America? (I’m from Europe, the Netherlands)

Ive had a similar issue, use the digi chat app, http://chat.digi.com/Chat/servlet/AppMain?__lFILE=ChatForm.jsp

Any luck with this issue?

I’m having the same problems, but I can’t even issue AT commands.

replace the **** with c-h-a-t without the ‘-’. it doesn’t seem to like that word…

r u typing the command modes time out in less than 5 seconds?

the commands must be typed less than the command mode time out.

try resetting the module.

how much is the power consumption of the module?