Unexpected reboot of AnywhereUSB/14?


we had an unexpected reboot of the AnywhereUSB/14.

with “show panic a” i got following:
#> show panic a

Boot(s) since last exception: 1 Number of exceptions detected: 0
Last fault was an exception. (‘show panic e’)
(‘set panic c’ to clear buffers)

Exception type: 0x52 (Assertion failed)
Parameters: 0x000002cc 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

Occurred at: “rusbvhub.c” line 716
Message: RusbPort->VHub == NULL && RusbPort->PHub != NULL

Version: v1.83.1733 Flags: 0x0 Uptime: 103 days 16 hours 38 minutes 53 seconds

epc 0x80082008 status 0x0000ff01 cause 0x00800000 errepc 0x05b1d261
hi 0x00000001 lo 0x00000000 pc 0x80092750
r0 0x00000000 r1 0x00000001 r2 0x00000000 r3 0x000002cc
r4 0x00000052 r5 0x802cb392 r6 0x802cb387 r7 0x000002cc
r8 0x00000000 r9 0x00000000 r10 0x00000000 r11 0x0000ff01
r12 0x8048e42b r13 0x8072f32c r14 0x8072f32c r15 0x00000020
r16 0x80817d68 r17 0x80817dd0 r18 0x80437218 r19 0x00000003
r20 0x00000003 r21 0x00000003 r22 0x00000000 r23 0x00000000
r24 0x00000002 r25 0x00000000 r26 0x80001328 r27 0x8000020c
r28 0x803c3020 r29 0x80849e10 r30 0x80849e10 r31 0x80092750

Stack 0x80849e38 0x80031788 0x8071c3ec 0x80849f08
0x8084a018 0x80817d68 0x0000011c 0x8072f30c
0x8071cf4c 0x80849f08 0x80849e60 0x800ac7e8
0x806ae8e0 0x806ae9b0 0x8071cf64 0x8071c3ec
0x00000000 0x801fd144 0x000507e0 0x00004000
0x80849e80 0x800ae5b0 0x8071cf4c 0x806ae8e0
0x806ae9b0 0x806ae8e0 0x00000000 0x80849f08
0x80849e98 0x801fca30 0x8071cf4c 0x80849f08
0x8084a018 0x00000000 0x80849ee0 0x80031400
0x80849ec0 0x8072f30c 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x00000000 0x8084a018 0x8084a014 0x8048dfd6
0x80849ff0 0x800302e0 0x80849ec8 0x80849ec8
0x72644844 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000738
0x80849ff0 0x80030300 0x80836038 0x8084a058
0x8073f080 0x00000000 0x00000004 0x00000000
0x00000000 0x8081f8b0 0x00000024 0x00000000
No panic data stored in memory


Is there any bugs in this version of the AnywhereUSB/14?

Thanks, mdi

Is this happening on multiple units after updating the firmware?

How often is this occurring?

What type of HUB/Switch is the unit connected to and at what speeds (i.e. 100Mbps, 1000Mbps) and are jumbo frames enabled?

If you feel this is a bug, I recommend reaching out to Digi Technical Support with details on how to replicate for further investigation.


Sorry for late answer.

The anywhereusb-14 is connected to a cisco nexus 3548 switch via GLC-T SFP module. connection speed is 1 Gbit/s, jumbo frames are disabled on the switchports.

the fault has only occured once (4 anywhereusb in use)

any suggetions about this fault?