Upload of a file via serial interface and access per HTML


I am just ordered a “Digi Connect ME”. The device is intended to work together with a measurement board. The board produce 24 files per day (one file per hour). The size of every file is about 10 KBytes.

Is it possible to upload the binary file into the “Digi Connect ME” via the serial interface? And is it also possible to upload a HTML file where the user logged in on the Ethernet side can pick a file for download?

If a new day broke the files sould be deleted via the serial interface and game start again.




If you have the NetOS develoment kit this is quite possible.

If you start with the standard NetOS Project from the wizard in ESP it will provide you with an outline application that includes a Web interface that allows files on the FLASH drive to be accessed via HTTP.

You then need to look at the serial port sample applications for the serial port and integrate the required code to communicate via the serial port.

To write the files to the FLASH drive it is easier to used the ‘C’ library file interface fopen, fwrite etc. rather than the native NetOs routines.

Best of luck!!


Thank you for the quick answer and the software hints.

The device I ordered arrived today. It is the Plug & Play “Digi Connect ME” without additional software.

Is the NetOS only delivered with the kit you mentioned or is it possible to obtain NetOS separately?



There are two different versions of the device, one is the “Plug & Play”, the other is the version for developing custom software.

My solution requires the custom version. I am not really sure of the capabilities of the P&P unit so not sure if you can do what you need with it.

If you decide to use the custom version, you will need to buy the “Development Kit with NetOS”(see Digi Websit). This provide a hardware and software development environment that you can program in ‘C’, and is reasonably straightforward to get working.


Thank you again for your help.

A new HTML file and a Java applet should the trick do (I hope).
